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aq ne biase2 jewp... cepat marah.. law cari pasal..kne PJJ..hahaha ada maw ka?? boleh.. free of charge oo...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Aq Peninx.... huhuhuhuhu~

Hari ne aq jmpa sowg kak ne...baik sgt2... aq tnye la umo dyer bpe... dyer kate umo dyer 16.. so x ape la... mula tu aq curiga sal tempat tggal pown tnye... akk ne dok ane.. dyer kate aus.. maw aq x curiga.. aq tnya lg.. biar btol dyerr ne.. dy kata btoll la... dy bru pindah ke sane.. blajar at sane.. fuyyoo... tahniah lerr akk... luck2.. hehehe.. pepown..sonok dpt kenal dyerr... dyerr mmg baekk ati glerr2... laz2 jd kak angkat aq...hahahah... uke2!... aq pown ade keje skang.. pepown.. thiz iz the first my first day n start wat

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